"As the year ends I reflect about my life…the aspects particularly. For the years I have been living I could say that life is strange and the strangest things would come in the years to come…if my life is strange now how stranger could it get?The revelation of the world we live and breath in is beautiful…sometimes coupled with pain and mystery but most of the time it is vindicated by the awe we often get in exploring this world…And for this I have thoughts….for life…for people in our lives …for feelings … for change…for myself...
Life is strange…but all in all it’s good….…. it is ironic as well. As a kid I never was a fan of fairytales …and funny …just about when I am growing older I somehow entertain the thought that …well maybe fairytales do exists. We all have our own fairytales in life. Those which we least expect …and you wish some one would shake you off or rub your eyes to be sure all is not but a dream. The kinds that you wish it would really happen… probable but it is too good to be true.And as I see it could be viewed as a run… a long... long run and as it goes on…we see the world as it is …the faces of people we know and not know…the neighborhood that we are used to ....our comfort zones …. Some people run for a while but their runs are short because maybe they just run through their daily old routine…and so they get tired …. some people run a long run …tiring but rewarding… …and sometimes we want to get out of our circles and go beyond the route we used to have and we explore…for the wilderness….and it is rewarding….I have been running the long one to expect it to be rewarding….a good one
It is always an amazing feeling to feel good about something…someone…someplace….it could be the redness and the roundness of an apple you are about to eat…the beauty of the sunset you just saw on a sea….the smoothness of the horse ride you are now having…For me I can always feel good about anything….the sight of the infinite horizon that tells me the answers to my queries….and a morning that I wake up and I see it... and in my head is all cleared up from all cobwebs …you know the once you want to clear…but you never have he chance to do soSometimes just thinking of nothing seems to make us feel good it unleashes all the pressures and tension of thinking too much...
it is like writing a story or verses…in it we put words to form our stories…some words we put are unnecessary and it does not do any good in the story…some words maybe appropriate and it helps …but it makes the story too long….and sometimes boring…but there are some words which are meant to be there to make the heart of the story…like people some may be unnecessary…some may be necessary but not essential…and some make up the heart of our own story….
It may be for the good or for the bad but all in all it must always happen….Pante rei, ouden menei - everything goes by, nothing stays forever…it is necessary for the cycle of life to flow. It may be like the droplets of rain to end some cycles of life and give birth to new forms….or the change shift of a roller coaster ride… for if there isn’t any so then life would be boring….
As for me I am like a child this Christmas hoping for a long waited gift to be given….I long for the gift of enlightenment….that I seek…that all of presumptions be a given fact and not just a false theory or thought…I do not need an aid for my vision… for I now see…Like a giant in front of me…the one who has been sleeping but has awaken….I just need a rubber stamp or a rub in the eye to tell me that all of this goodness that the world brings is not but a dream….but a reality…My self is a hard person to know... even me sometimes does not understand her…she is stubborn…and a “Doubting Thomas”…skeptic…I think I need to open up for the coming year….
We are all just alone in this world who came from the womb …given the rational mind to think each of our own courses to travel…for a journey…to seize everything we have got in this life time…because time is too fast and yet there are so many things that we should do…
if we just take all of what we have for granted then before realizing the goodness of life it would be too late to appreciate and comes night….to dark to see….too late to work…to tired to think….as Salvaore Quasimodo had said:
if we just take all of what we have for granted then before realizing the goodness of life it would be too late to appreciate and comes night….to dark to see….too late to work…to tired to think….as Salvaore Quasimodo had said:
Happy New Year...
…New Hopes…..New way to view the world and life…. "
I was visiting a friend's blog and then I took a decision to copy all post because I guessed so much beautiful words...
And I do this words at my one!
deixando as cerimônias de lado !!
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Feliz 2008 para voc~e ...
tudo de bom !!