These flowers are Orchids. My mother cultivates them and she has much pride of them.I love Orchids because their colours, they are charmed. I love purple and lilac. They are colours of my soul! they are the colours of the poetry.13 is a magic number for me! 13 is a good day for changes! I was very sad in last month because my father was sick. But he is very well now! And i come back to write in my blog! This is good, very good!
Uma vez escutei algo sobre um compositor assim : "ele tinha a alma outonal". Vejo isso como uma certa preguiça para ver o belo no verso dos acontecimentos. Ou quem sabe.... sofrer....sofrer....sofrer... Eu não estou sofrendo, estou vazia de acontecimentos!Mas acho que na vida tudo tem seu tempo. Não vai adiantar nada eu fingir que as coisas estão bem, se elas não estão. Vou me dar um tempo para ver se eu tenho a "tal alma outonal" ou nã!P.S.: Dia destes estava na minha habitual caminhada e fui observando as mudanças das cores na paisagem. Já estamos em Março, e logo chega o Outono. As cores cores da cidade ficam intensificadas pela luminosidade indireta do sol no fim da tarde. Assim também ficam as sombras produzidas pelos objetos, as árvores, as casas. Mais profundas. Acho que é quando nos recolhemos dentro de nós para explodirmos em outras estações. O amor fica mais intenso. Talvez isso ocorra em poucos, naqueles que possuam "a alma outonal"...Translating.... "After a time without to write nothing, I decided to put this picture..."Once I listened something about a composer as "he has an autumnal soul"...I see that as a certain laziness to look at the nice in verse of the events (or changes). Or perhaps... to suffer...I am not to suffer, I am empty of news! (or events,changes). But in our lives I guess that eveything has its time. It's no use complaining or I pretend that the things are well, if they are not. I'm going to give me a time to see if I have "such autumnal soul" or not....(I'm laughing = rs!) P.S.: In these days I was in my usual walk and I was observing the colour changes in the landscape. We are already in March and soon the Autumn brings near....The colours of the town stay more intense, deeper for indirect brightness of the sunset. In this way the shadows of trees and houses looklike. More intense. I think when we withdraw ourselves to explode in other seasons. The love stays deeper. Maybe this happens in someone, in those have "the autumnal soul".